
Figure 1:

1.1 Who is August Forsman?

I'm a curious and creative Engineering Physics student residing in Stockholm, Sweden who loves to create software. My master's specialization is Computational Science and includes courses in numerical methods, ML, HPC and parallel programming.

Fun facts: Used to live above the polar circle to pursue freestyle skiing. Had a summer job that involved getting covered in organic waste. Have attended jousting lessons, i.e riding a horse with sword and lance.

Interested in: software development, high-performance computing, machine learning, data analysis, Linux systems, visualization, numerical methods, modeling complex systems, physics and finance. Check out my projects below!

C, C++, Python, MATLAB, Java, Shell, Git, SQL, MongoDB, OpenMPI, FOSS, Neovim, Linux (Arch, btw).

University studies

LLM Master Thesis
at Savantic AB '24
MSc Eng. Physics
Uppsala universitet


C++ TA, '22 & '23
Sodermanland-Nerike Choir
Uppsala Union of
Engineering and Science

Figure 2: Diffusion! Cool!

1.2 FEM 2D Medical Torus


A simulation study of a torus-shaped medical implant in the course Applied Finite Element Methods at Uppsala universitet.

The reaction-diffusion is modeled through a system of PDEs which is discretized and solved using the Crank-Nicolson method.


Computation: MATLAB, Python (FEniCS)
Visualization: ParaView, Matplotlib

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1.3 MPI Performance Study

Figure 3: Increasing CPUs at fixed load

1.3 MPI Performance Study


Part of BSc thesis. A comparison of one- and two-sided MPI for Conway's Game of Life with toroidal boundary conditions.

The boundaries are computed by exchanging the halo region between the nearest neighbours. Experimental data is obtained by running the program on the UPPMAX supercomputer cluster.


Computation: C (OpenMPI), SLURM
Visualization: Python (Matplotlib)

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1.4 2D Ising Model

Figure 4: Magnetization per spin

1.4 2D Ising Model


A Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation study of a ferromagnetic material as part of the course Computational Physics at Uppsala universitet.

The comparison of the Metropolis-Hastings and Heat-bath algorithm is computed using a C++ templatized implementation of the NumPy library.


Computation: C++ (NumCPP)
Visualization: Python (Matplotlib)

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